Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Playing Around..........

Sooo...according to "the grapevine" our human Mom gave in to temptation and bought herself some fried chicken for her dinner - seems she was anticipating digging in on the 2 drumsticks, especially...

BUT .. she made a HUGE--HUGE--mistake. She set the bag down on the floor and went out to the car to bring in the rest of the groceries and the rest (as they say) is history !!!

The cutest,most rascally of us all-has got to be Schaetzi ! Seems like she is ALWAYS looking for trouble...and she finds it.  When she was asked about the missing drumsticks...her only reply was "read the shirt" (it reads ANGEL - yeah, right!)

And so we'll move on to the next little rascals, who have to be innocent of this crime, 'cause they were in a pen...But, they were making noise and causing mayhem..

Soo...what kind of toy is this ?????

this one looks better - we like balls !

 I know !....Lets fight **** That's always fun.

Ha...No fair-two against one.  I win!!!

Oh Well --- Here's the bottom line. We're so darn cute...we can get away with almost anything (except drumsticks) :-)
Bye for now ♥

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

****Long Time...No Post ****

Bonnie was playing "hide and seek" with her puppies.  Don't know what she was trying to accomplish, but she sure was driving human Mom crazy - ha-ha :-)

Then finally the new puppies started squealing, so Mom moved them to another bed where Bonnie couldn't "hide" them anymore...

Little boy 1

Little boy 2

Tiny little girl ♥
Fancy's little clan is really growing up fast - they now eat "big dog" food all the time.  They like to wrestle with each other and try to tear up all the newspaper

This is Bianca (she's cute--and knows it !!)